Skills Coaching Services

For care partners, graduate students, and other aspiring innovators.

I believe in deploying information in the public service, and as such I don't believe in keeping my methods to myself. If you are interested in hands-on support and training, I offer coaching and self-led curricula for individuals and small teams on the following:

Social Science
  • Disciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity

  • Academic Conferences 101

  • Social Science on Social Media

  • Gray Literature

  • Secondary Datasets in Health and Care

  • Field Notes

Building Intergenerational Collaboration
Organizational Skills
  • Optimizing Digital and Paper Filing Systems

  • Emergency Planning

  • Merging Households

  • Pros and Cons of Common Apps

Virtual Events
  • Zoom Skills for Every Level

  • Virtual "Stage Management"

  • Outreach and Promotion

  • Finding Virtual Community

Public Speaking
Self-Care during New or Intensive Responsibilities:
  • Balancing Social Support

  • Family Diplomacy

  • What Can You Outsource and How

  • Meaning, Mindfulness, and Mental Health Practices

Personalizing Justice Models

(proceeds will be shared with relevant organizations)

  • Anti-Racism for White Folks

  • Maintaining COVID Caution When the World Has Moved On

  • What is Time Privilege?

  • Why Respectability Politics Matters to Us All

  • Confronting Internalized Ableism

Interpersonal Communication
  • Honesty Is a Coin with Two Sides

  • The Art of the Check-in

  • Building a Better Break-up

  • How to Love Language without Being a Snob about It

photo: G.J., a white adult with wavy, fair, upcut hair, wearing glasses and a purple suit in front of sunlit vines and fence
photo: G.J., a white adult with wavy, fair, upcut hair, wearing glasses and a purple suit in front of sunlit vines and fence