Professional Values

AKA "G.J.'s Five Senses"

A Sense of Humanity

My work centers on people, so I am motivated to build openness and trust toward human experiences. Operating within a specific social reality, I must also acknowledge how material dynamics — that is, our varied access to funding and other resources — affect our ability to see and approach one another.

A Sense of Trajectory

All projects begin with a purpose and are planned at a particular scale, objectives against which success can be measured. Projects should not just “check boxes” but advance participants toward a common goal, building momentum toward the community’s own ideals.

A Sense of Association

Social interactions form every stage of my work, so success depends on the listening and awareness we bring to each conversation. To expand our impact, projects build toward — and upon — an ongoing study of everyone’s interconnectedness.

A Sense of Temporality (or Time)

As we engagement our audiences, it is important to notice the sequence of events that have shaped our communities and recognize the cycles therein. This work builds not only a sense of time, but of cultivating something better for the future.

A Sense of Innovation

I cannot help but approach any topic with an enthusiasm for discovery and a drive to avoid familiar pitfalls through experimentation. From there, it is important to aim for simplicity so the work has room to grow and adapt

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