Strategic Communication(s) Services

Before my caregiving journey, I was something of a relationship coach, and one of the tropes I had to confront was saying, "Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!" and finding participants had no idea how. Turns out individuals can have radically different notions of what "communication" means.

Most institutions face similar uncertainty. Part of the challenge may come from a lack of differentiation or alignment between internal communication and external communications. Do the systems in place reinforce the values of the organization, and do staff and volunteers understand their relationship to one another?

While I offer services in external communications - messaging, event promotion, and outreach strategies, to name a few - I am particularly attuned to the processes of internal communications, which help build cohesion. If your organization wants to foster belonging, if it wants employee retention, if it aspires to deliver rapid response, these priorities must be embedded across departments. I can help you get started.

Strategic communication(s) are a very individualized collaboration, but here are some related services to consider:
photo: GJ, a white adult with asymetrical hair & glasses, stands with arms crossed before 3 electrical boxes at night.
photo: GJ, a white adult with asymetrical hair & glasses, stands with arms crossed before 3 electrical boxes at night.