Specialized Topics:

This 5-color vine represents the cyclical phases of intergenerational work. Topics often recur or inform one another in new ways, like a vine than coils inward. "Theories of Care" are academic and community perspectives being applied to identify and strengthen informal and formal support systems.

Below, I organize topics as leaves on the vine. The largest items represent topics where I am uniquely informed, while small items represent compatible topics and functional awareness. What I do best is take seemingly unrelated topics - such as Chosen Family+Dementia+Caregiving - and develop unique content to serves the intersecting community.

When you contact me to propose a project, I recommend having two or three of the items above in mind as we begin to brainstorm our collaboration.

Don't see your needs represented in these terms? No worries: language can change rapidly and may vary widely across contexts. (Just think of "elder" versus "senior" versus "older adult" versus "old person" - no one example resonates for everyone.) Contact me with your idea and let's see if we can work together. If not, I'd be happy to draw upon my nationwide network of care experts to find you the right fit.

Topics are listed below in descending order of my experience or expertise; items near the top are my strongest, while items further down represent related topics where I am knowledgable but less specialized. What I do best is to choose several topics - such as Chosen Family+Caregiving - and develop unique content that serves the intersecting community.

If you'd like to see these items organized around the vine, visit the desktop version.

My logo - the vine fractal - represents the cyclical phases of my intergenerational work; often, these topics recur or inform one another in new ways, like a vine that coils inward.

LGBTQ+ Identities



COVID-19 Impact


Social Support



Community Education


Chosen Family


Gender Studies




Health Equity




You can also review some of my past presentations for more topic ideas: